New Delhi, May 30, 2020 :, the news and information exchange branch of Weighing Community has partnered with Aide et Action, an international French-based Non-Governmental Organization for development, that gives the most vulnerable and marginalized people access to quality education all across the globe. Their association is aimed at bringing together all the stakeholders in the weighing industry to support the projects being undertaken by Aide et Action.
To overcome the dramatic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, which is currently affecting the world, Aide et Action has designed a two-phase Response and Recovery Plan to adapt its projects in 16 countries of intervention out of 19 and make sure that the most vulnerable and marginalized communities it supports can preserve their livelihoods and continue to have access to quality education.
To support this necessary initiative, Aide et Action is kicking off its Global Education Response Fund aiming to raise 8,8 million euros to face the COVID-19 crises and its consequences. Aide et Action is appealing to all Companies, Corporate Foundations, Foundations, Philanthropists, Institutions to join forces now in order to further education and sustainable development despite the current global pandemic.
During the pandemic, all 8 325 schools where Aide et Action works in have been closed due to the pandemic, which has directly affected the education and livelihoods of 1 911 194 disadvantaged and vulnerable participants supported by Aide et Action including 950 170 children and youth, of which almost 50% are girls, who will be at higher risk of dropping out from school if nothing is done right now.
Aide et Action wants to ensure that the gains already achieved under Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) are not wasted and the most vulnerable and marginalized communities can continue to live in dignity and good health. Therefore, in cities and in remote rural areas, Aide et Action carries out hygiene and health education activities, installs hand-washing facilities, distributes essential supplies like hygiene kits and food. The NGO’s role is also to ensure education continuity with distance-learning solutions and now, to anticipate school re-openings and prevent dropout from school, especially of girls who are most affected by the socio-economic impact of the crisis.
The teams at & Aide et Action are proud to support the Education Response Fund to save lives and build a better future for the most vulnerable.
About Weighing News: Weighing News is a news and information exchange platform for all the stakeholders in the weighing industry across the world, that provides easy access to knowledge of innovation, industry trends, products, services and social initiatives.
The team at also aims to plug the lack of knowledge and awareness amongst users of weighing scales and equipment about the innovations and events in the field through our knowledge centre. We host a panel of experts to guide, help and assist on any technical and commercial matter related to the weighing industry.
About Aide et Action: Founded in 1981, Aide et Action is an international French-based Non-Governmental Organization for development committed to increasing access to quality education for vulnerable and marginalized populations, specifically children, girls and women. For 40 years, Aide et Action has been creating opportunities for beneficiaries to take their development into their own hands and contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. Promoting lifelong learning, Aide et Action pays particular attention to early childhood care and education, access to and quality of education at all levels of both primary and secondary education, as well as vocational training and social inclusion. By basing its interventions on the values of dignity, inclusion and integrity, as well as on principles of action including transparency, accountability and solidarity, Aide et Action conducts 83 projects in Africa, Asia, Europe – and in particular in France – for more than 1.9 million children, young people and adults. Education changes the world, change it with us!
They place their key focus on:
Access and quality of education
Girls’ and women’s education
Early childhood care and education
Livelihood education for youth and adults
Health education
Inclusive education
Education in the context of migration
Education in emergency & post-emergency situations
Sustainable development and global citizenship education
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