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WIM Platform Scales-Intercomp

Platform Scales Offer Maximum Performance for High Volume Screening

WIM Platform Scale solutions consist of strain gauge based scale technology installed at ramps and mainline exits for screening purposes. This technology benefits from strain gauge’s rapid reaction and sampling rates for accurate dynamic weighing, while temperature compensation ensures consistency in harsh environments. The overall depth is less than 3.5 inches (90 mm), minimizing civil work and improving ease of maintenance.  The technology and low-profile design provide unsurpassed performance, reliability and longevity resulting in an excellent return on investment.

WIM Platform Scales offer an accurate and robust screening mechanism at ramps and weigh station entries. Cameras, variable messaging and other devices are capable of working in tandem with WIM Platform Scales to allow vehicles within acceptable tolerances to bypass weigh stations, thereby reducing the cost for operators and enabling enforcement to focus efforts on the most probable offenders.


WIM Platform Scales are used for ASTM Type IV applications. Each scale consists of stainless steel hermetically sealed strain gauge load cells which are certified for accuracy and performance by US and European government metrology authorities. The scales are installed flush with the pavement and designed to reject noise & vibration for superior accuracy. Their robust construction provides the greatest longevity for any form of Ramp Speed dynamic weighing.


  1. Low-Profile, Robust Platforms using Strain Gauge-Based Load Cell Technology

  2. Weigh Vehicles at Speeds from 0 to 60 mph (0 to 96 km/h)

  3. Use for Screening Vehicles at Ramp Speeds

  4. Designed to Comply with ASTM E1318-09 Type IV and Cost 323 B+(7) and B(10)


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