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What is WELMEC?

WELMEC is your primary source in Europe for trusted advice on legal metrology issues.

WELMEC – the European Cooperation in Legal Metrology – is a regional legal metrology organisation with membership composed of the representative national authorities responsible for legal metrology in the EU and EFTA countries.

WELMEC was originally created in June 1990 by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation,  coinciding with the adoption of the first new approach metrology directive in Europe, the Non-automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (NAWID), on which the authorities had worked closely together. Originally signed by authorities from 18 countries, new members joined over the following years and WELMEC grew to an association of more than 30 member organisations.

In order to strengthen and further develop their cooperation, in November 2019 WELMEC members founded a formal legal entity. Since September 2020, all activities of the association are continued by WELMEC e.V. established in Braunschweig (Germany).

The general task of WELMEC is for authorities to cooperate and to interact with stakeholders, in order to establish a common understanding which supports the implementation of European regulatory framework on metrology.  From the outset, members shared a common drive for the free movement of measuring instruments by reducing barriers to trade for a wide range of instruments.

Over the past several years, the metrology directives of greatest interest have been those relating to units of measurement, measuring instruments, non-automatic weighing instruments and prepackaged goods. However, account has also been taken of other internal market policies and legislation governing aspects such as market surveillance and mutual recognition.

In the years to come, WELMEC is ready to support the ambitions and projects of the European Union, for example in realising a green deal, exploiting the opportunities of digital transformation and new technologies, and overcoming the challenges in areas such as public health and consumer protection.

Over the years WELMEC has become an invaluable platform for members and stakeholders to identify, address and act on issues in legal metrology. The most important developments during that time have been:

  1. Supporting the European legal framework by the continuous publication of detailed technical guides;

  2. Recognition by the European Commission of WELMEC Guides;

  3. Identification of relevant normative documents (OIML-Recommendations, European standards) eligible to provide presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the relevant directives;

  4. Providing the basis for information exchange for Market Surveillance and Administrative cooperation; and

  5. The promotion of training on the subject of legal metrology, market surveillance and pre-packaged products.


WELMEC Members

Membership in WELMEC is open to national legal metrology authorities of European Union and EFTA member states and national legal metrology authorities of countries that are in transition to membership of the European Union or having implemented European Union legislation in metrology.

All members commit themselves to support the WELMEC objectives and to participate in the work and activities of the association.

WELMEC Committee – General Assembly

The WELMEC Committee is the central body in the governance of our association.

The views and recommendations of WELMEC are taken following a consultation and debate at the WELMEC Committee meetings. Each WELMEC member has one representative – the WELMEC Delegate – with voting rights in the Committee.

The WELMEC Committee meets at least once a year. For urgent issues, an online consultation can be organised.

Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are responsible for organising and coordinating the gathering and consultations of the WELMEC Committee.

They represent our association before regional authorities and third parties.

The WELMEC Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected by the Committee for a period of  3 years.

Executive Board

The Executive Board bears the responsibility for organising the administration of the association and the implementation of the decisions taken by the WELMEC Committee.

The Executive Board consists of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, and up to four members elected by the Committee.

WELMEC Working Groups

Working groups are established and mandated by the WELMEC Committee in order to formulate proposals, analyse questions and prepare technical decisions in support of the WELMEC objectives.

Each Working Group is chaired by a convenor and, if necessary, a deputy convenor, appointed by the Committee.

All WELMEC members have the right to participate in the work of the working groups and may appoint through their Committee Delegate, a representative to foster collaboration in the concerned field.

WELMEC Secretariat

The WELMEC Secretariat administers and coordinates the activities of our association on a daily basis.

In practice, the Secretariat delivers a valuable and hands-on support to all bodies of WELMEC. The WELMEC secretariat is headed by the Executive Secretary.

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