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What is SIM and how to become a member?

The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM, by its acronym in Spanish) was created to promote international, and regional, and particularly Inter-American cooperation in metrology issues. SIM is committed to implementing a global measuring system upon which all users may rely. SIM promotes and supports an integrated measurement infrastructure in the Americas, which enables each member national metrology institutes (NMIs) to stimulate innovation, competitiveness, trade, consumer safety and sustainable development by effectively participating in the international metrology community.

SIM’s Mission involves promoting and supporting an integrated measurement infrastructure in the Americas, which enables each member of national metrology institutes (NMIs) to stimulate innovation, competitiveness, trade, consumer safety, and sustainable development by effectively participating in the international metrology community whereas the Vision is to be a representative, transparent, competent, and worldwide-recognized regional metrology organization.

Its Objectives include:

I. Development of NMIs in the SIM Region This Objective focuses on improving the technical capabilities of SIM NMIs, through training (internships, summer school, etc), mentoring, provision of (primary) traceability on specific technical services for scientific and legal metrology, assistance in implementation and maintenance of quality management system, inter-institute exchange of personnel, and promoting cooperative research projects among SIM NMIs. The goals of this Objective can be defined as improving the technical capabilities of SIM NMIs and increasing active SIM participation in the MRA and/or Treaty of the Metre. The activities identified to achieve this Objective are to be funded through resources made available from SIM NMIs, donor agencies, and membership fees.

        I.1 Develop Metrology for Innovation o ACTION I.1.1: The SIM Council in cooperation with the SIM Technical Committee will develop and implement a 3-year plan to support the development of the metrology needed for emerging technologies (i.e., advanced manufacturing, nanotechnology and biotechnology). This plan will also promote the growth of cooperation for research in metrology among SIM NMIs.

        I.2 Develop Metrology for a Sustainable Development o ACTION I.2.1: The SIM Council in cooperation with the SIM Technical Committee will develop and implement a 3-year plan to support the development of the metrology needs for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency.

       I.3 Increase the technical capabilities of SIM NMIs o ACTION I.3.1: The SIM Council will develop and implement a 2-year plan to increase the technical capabilities on SIM NMIs. This will include school, courses, workshops and internships.

      I.4 Support the implementation of the redefinition of the SI in the region o ACTION I.4.1: The SIM Council will develop and implement a 2-year plan to support the implementation of the redefinition of the SI in the region. This will include, dissemination, workshops and traceability strategy.

II. Building a Strong SIM Organization This Objective focuses on improving the actual operation of the SIM organization. This includes our internal organizational development (e.g.,committees, General Assembly, leadership, Secretariat, Council), awareness and outreach activities, establishment of effective liaisons with other stakeholder organizations, information sharing via the SIM website, strengthening SIM’s legal status. This Objective is important in establishing the relevance and effectiveness of SIM as a worldwide leader in metrology, which is critical in ensuring that the interests of SIM NMIs are well understood and represented at the international level.

        II.1 Implement mutually beneficial ways of interaction with outside organizations o ACTION II.1.1: The SIM Council will develop a plan for interaction with external organizations in metrology that will include a list of beneficial interactions, a clear statement of mutual benefits, and a plan for development of the required relations. The plan will include specific interactions with CIPMBIPM, other RMOs, OIML and NCSLI. o Action II.1.2. The SIM Council will develop a plan to strengthen the Quality Infrastructure Council of the Americas (QICA) role in the region and maximize its benefits for SIM NMIs.        II.2 Improve means of communication among SIM members o ACTION II.2.1: The SIM Council will implement an effective means of maintaining a useful and current website.      II.3 Establish SIM as a Legal Entity o ACTION II.3.1: The SIM Council will implement SIM as a Legal Entity, as approved by the SIM General Assembly.         II.4 Build a financially sustainable institution ACTION II.4.1: The SIM Council will periodically review the priorities established in this strategic plan in order to develop proposals for external funding from organizations such as OAS,       UN  Development Program, PTB, IDB, UNIDO and NIST Programs. Special attention will be given to the OAS Project, due to the long fruitful relationship between the two organizations, and  since Metrology has been given a high priority by the Committee on Science and Technology. The need of establishing a member fee will be periodically reviewed by the General

         II.5 Increase the participation of SIM members in leading position        ACTION II.5.1: The SIM Council will implement a plan to mentor and train SIM metrologists in effective engagement in international metrology activities for continuity and growth of SIM   organization.  This plan will include the effective organization of training and involvement opportunities as part of the schedule of SIM week activities.

III. Fulfill Regional Metrology Organization Obligations under the CIPM MRA

This Objective focuses on the roles and responsibilities that SIM must fulfill as an official regional metrology organization recognized by the JCRB under the CIPM MRA. These obligations include the organization of regional comparisons according to SIM NMI demands, regional review of SIM member’s CMC submissions, inter-regional review of CMC submissions by other RMOs, required review of the quality systems of the NMIs within SIM, and representing SIM at the JCRB. Additionally, these obligations include a reasonable and distributed participation of SIM NMIs in CIPM-sponsored activities, such as key comparisons and consultative committees. These obligations should be funded directly by the member NMIs without the need for any external or common source of funds.

        III.1 Ensure effective international representation of SIM o Action III.1.1: SIM Council- will participate fully in the planning of the future of the CIPM MRA with a particular emphasis on ensuring that the CIPM MRA meets the needs of all SIM NMIs.   III.2 Ensure efficient and effective technical review of regional and inter-regional CMCs submitted for publishing in the KCDB        ACTION III.2.1 : SIM Technical Committee will develop and implement procedures to ensure full and timely participation of member NMIs in the review process        III.3 Ensure efficient and effective review of the quality systems of SIM NMIs to ensure compliance with the requirements of the CIPM MRA and serve other needs of SIM NMIs        oACTION III.3.1: The SIM QSTF will continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the SIM Quality Systems review process by annually reviewing all procedures and modifying SIM-09 as required. The SIM QSTF will interact with the SIM Council to consider extending SIM Quality Systems reviews to areas of metrology beyond those required by the CIPM MRA.        III.4 Organize and implement regional key comparisons required to support the calibration programs of SIM NMIs and to provide linkage to BIPM key comparisons         oACTION III.4.1: In response to efforts to reduce the burden of the CIPM MRA, the Technical Committee will prepare universal guidelines for determining when SIM should perform a SIM   key or supplemental comparison. SIM comparisons must be specifically developed to promote the technical capabilities of SIM NMIs. oACTION III.4.2: Metrology Working Groups will develop strategic plans stating the needed regional comparisons, expected participants, and approximate timelines based upon on the general guidelines from the Technical Committee.


There are three participation categories in SIM: Full members, Associate members, and Affiliate members.

Officially designated National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) of any country in the Americas may become a Full member. They are organized into five subregions (Noramet, Carimet, Camet, Andimet, and Suramet), SIM is comprised of metrology organizations from the countries in the Americas and benefits from a Governing Council structured by one coordinator from each subregion, a Technical Committee Chair, a Professional Development Coordinator, a Quality System Task Force Chair , and a Project Coordinator.


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