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One of the first things that happen in the life of a baby is being weighed on a medical scale. This symbolises the importance of accurate measurements in healthcare. This information is used to see if the baby is healthy. Since healthcare risks should be minimised

accurate measurements are essential. The European weighing industry produces the weighing instruments that make these accurate measurements possible. This way weighing instruments contribute to improving the healthcare provided by professionals.


In the first weeks of the life of a baby, it is vital to closely follow the developments with respect to the weight of a baby. It makes a difference if a baby becomes heavier

or lighter even if it is a difference of 100 grams. Weight loss might mean malnutrition and above-average gains might be symptoms of other problems. A scale that is

not accurate enough cannot provide this information. Especially when the baby is not weighed on the same scale each time all scales should be accurate and correct

to set the right diagnosis. Therefore, certified scales are available that provide the right weight to analyse the baby ́s health.

Furthermore, providing the right amount of medication is key in the healthcare sector. Weighing instruments support in establishing the right amount in two ways. First of all, medical scales are used to weigh patients. This can be a normal scale where the patient can stand on, but also scales for less mobile patients where they can only sit on. This makes it possible to weigh the patient in many situations. Based on this reliable data, the right amount of medication can be established.

Additionally, weighing instruments are used to prepare the medication where it is crucial the weight of active substances is correct. This is essential for the safety and efficiency of the treatment. High-precision scales make it possible to prepare medication with the right weight of active substances.


The healthcare sector is constantly changing to improve the treatment of patients. Weighing instruments can contribute to these improvements. For example, by further digitalisation including easy data transfer between the scale and computers. Instead of manually filling in the weighing data, with the risk of mistakes, this can be done automatically and linked to the patient ́s file. Innovative weighing scale can make life easier for healthcare professionals and reduce the risk of mistakes.

Another possible opportunity is to facilitate virtual care in the future. Doctors can speak to patients online to provide treatments and set diagnoses. Still, the need for reliable measurements remains. This means accurate scales should be accessible for households as well.


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