The weighbridge for vehicles, which is for commercial vehicles weighing up to 6 tons, is fixed above the ground with access by metal ramps. The installation procedure of the weighbridge PCM for vehicles is very simple. In the circulation path of the vehicle, the entry and exit chassis are fixed to the ground by means of bushings and in them are embedded four metal ramps. By this way, it eliminates the execution of any civil work. The chassis receive the platform, fitting the cell feet in their supports. The platform is at a height of only 160 mm.
All assembly operations are carried out through the top of the platform. All wiring, including cables cells, is placed at the installation site of the equipment. It has top covers to access the load cells and facilitate cleaning and maintenance of the weighbridge. The surface of the platform and the ramp is made of non-slip steel. The surface finish is carefully prepared to ensure perfect adhesion of zinc epoxy primary and the painting with polyurethane enamel.