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Digitizer/Weight Trasmitter for load cells conceived with an eye on IoT (Internet of Things) (Internet of Things). IP67 junction box made of stainless steel AISI 316, suitable for aggressive environments. Three IP67 M12 connectors. Six indicator led of the communication interface. Dimensions: 97 x 38 x 82 mm including connectors.

LCB Digitizer transforms an analog load cell (output mV/V) into digital and can also be used on existing load cells or strain gauge sensors. Designed for an assembly/wiring integral with the load cell body, it can be connected by fieldbus to PLCs of the most important international brands.

  1. Optional fieldbuses: PROFINET IO, Ethernet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, Modbus TCP, PROFIBUS DP, EtherCAT, POWERLINK, CANopen, CC-Link, CC-Link IE, SERCOS III, IO-LINK.

  2. Micro USB port

  3. 16-bit Analog output: 0/4-20 mA; 0-5/10 V (optional)

  4. RS485 port (optional)

  5. Direct connection between RS485 and RS232 without converter.

  6. 2 logic inputs, 3 relay outputs

  7. Single loading batchings, max 99 formulas


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