PKM Industrial offers for the detection of ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel contaminants, MotoWeigh metal detection systems that provide a critical balance of sensitivity without the most common shutdown alarms. Unlike X-ray systems, MotoWeigh metal detection systems are designed to detect disturbances in a generated magnetic field, making them more suitable for products that vary in size, shape and orientation. Metal detection systems are also proven to last up to three times longer in harsh industrial environments.
Easy software operation: MotoWeigh metal detection systems arrive factory programmed to your exact product specifications. Using the full-color touch screen, users can add new products, change parameters, and take advantage of advanced configuration and data reporting capabilities.
Seven-inch touchscreen with Spanish translation capability
Password-protected access
Automatic product setup and learning
Easily manageable product limits / rejects
One-touch log report
Access to stored logs, settings and functions directly via remote technical support
Access to automation of industrialized processes for commerce; production area and product dispatch.