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The Second Gulf Metrology Forum is here !!!

The Second Gulf Metrology Forum is a highly anticipated event set to take place under the patronage of the Ministry of Industry and Advance Technology (MOIAT), UAE. The Forum is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Advance Technology (MOIAT) and the GULF Association for Metrology (GULFMET), and it aims to promote the exchange of experience among executives, experts, specialists, and technical personnel who are directly involved in the field of metrology.

Second Gulf Metrology Forum

The Second Gulf Metrology Forum has been organized in response to the latest international developments in metrology. It aims to align Gulf policies, practices, and trends in metrology with global developments in measurement techniques and their industrial applications under the theme “Metrology for Sustainability”.

The event intends to provide a platform for experts to share their knowledge and ideas in the field of metrology.

The Forum will feature a wide range of activities, including keynote speeches, expert panel discussions, and technical presentations. The event will bring together professionals, scientists, researchers, and regulators to discuss the latest developments and innovations in metrology.

This Forum will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to learn about the latest measurement techniques, their applications, and metrology’s role in sustainability. The Second Gulf Metrology Forum will contribute significantly to the development of metrology activities in the Gulf region and is expected to lead to significant improvements in this field in the coming years.

About Forum : Click here

News & Image Source : Click here


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