New White Paper Shows How the Concept of Metrological Traceability
Contributes to the Reliability of Your Measurements
The international Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) defines traceability as the property of a measurement
result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a documented, unbroken chain of
calibrations. Learn how this traceability—or lack of it—contributes to measurement uncertainty and more
in a new,
free download from METTLER TOLEDO
Greifensee, Switzerland – [DATE] – Metrological traceability is the fundamental concept of modern
measurements. It assures the inter-comparability of measurement results obtained the world over,
making it a requirement of standards such as ISO 9001, USP, and ISO 17025.
The new METTLER TOLEDO white paper “Metrological Traceability: Consistent Measurement Results”
explores the definition of metrological traceability and delivers the background material for and benefits of
the concept. It then gives guidance on how to establish, use and maintain metrological traceability
In short, metrological traceability is a property of the measurement result that is passed along an
unbroken “traceability chain”. Each link of the chain has its own stated measurement uncertainty, while
the chain itself typically uses a unit of the International System of Units (SI) as its starting point.
Traceability is proven through calibration and maintained by proper use of a calibrated instrument.