Developing experience in the usage of digital impedance bridges in practice.
EMPIR project completed The European measurement infrastructure for digital electrical impedance measurement has been strengthened thanks to a versatile electrical impedance calibration laboratory based on digital impedance bridges (17RPT04, VerslCal). This is one of the most commonly measured electrical values, with applications in supercapacitors, solar materials, and biological tissues.
The project’s specific accomplishments include:
Five European laboratories are developing digital impedance bridges to realise impedance scales. Trescal Denmark, Metrosert Estonia, GUM Poland, TUBITAK Turkey, and NSAI Ireland were the laboratories. This is a significant advancement in these laboratories’ measurement capabilities, and it will improve the traceability chain provided to users of impedance measuring equipment in terms of accuracy, accessibility, and cost.
In this technical area, training to strengthen the research capacity of participating national metrology institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs). The consequent access to scales for electrical impedance quantities based on digital impedance bridges will help authorised calibration centres and their customers by shortening and improving the traceability chain for this key measurement quantity.
Creating a useful practise guide A guide to the application of digital impedance bridges and the realisation of inductance and capacitance scales, as well as a software tool for modelling uncertainty.
Creating a virtual training lab as a unique, practical, and low-cost approach of spreading relevant knowledge and expertise. This lab provides new users with hands-on experience with a digital impedance bridge, assisting in their adoption.
Collaboration with a start-up firm to manufacture impedance bridge components
The project’s accomplishments have aided in the practical training and distribution of expertise, assisting industries in the adoption of digital methodologies for reliable impedance measurements.