The MEDEA APMP-APLMF has successfully developed a Web Portal: aimed at providing a platform to raise awareness of the importance of metrology to APMP and APLMF stakeholders (e.g. consumers, industry, other regulators and government). It is not intended to replace either the APMP or APLMF websites but to provide a gateway to communicate about metrology to non-metrologists using, in particular:
Case Studies, and
Links to useful information from, e.g. APMP, APLMF, BIPM, OIML and other authoritative websites.
The original Portal Project Coordinators were Stephen O’Brien, immediate-past APLMF President, and Angela Samuel, current APMP DEC Chair. Our thanks to everyone who has been involved in setting this up. As noted by Ms Katja Lamich, MEDEA Project Coordinator, thanks to the support of many committed people over a process of several years, the Web Portal gives us the opportunity to make the diverse tasks and contributions of measurement visible – with many more interesting uploads to come. The Working Group invites your feedback, suggestions and in particular, your contributions (e.g. Case Studies) to help build and improve the content. At present, all suggestions and feedback should be sent to Angela ( as the current Working Group Convenor.
These inputs will be reviewed by the Working Group, which will have the ongoing role of endorsing new content as well as making further improvements to the site. The aim is to publicly launch the site in the next few months, following this “soft” launch phase during which APMP and APLMF Members’ feedback is incorporated. Further progress updates will be provided by the Working Group this year.