With the start of a new Presidential administration, the Real-Time 6C Weight System from RFIDme is a groundbreaking innovative solution, designed to make the trucking transportation infrastructure smarter, safer, and more efficient.

Created by Mr. Bing Xuan Li, patented in the United States via US Patent Number US 12,202,491 B1, the system includes multiple patented sensor for each axle of the truck and a patented 6C transmission module. The system improves the economy, protects the environment, and strengthens America’s borders, all while saving money and time for businesses and the government. The system is currently patent-approved, highlighting its unique value to the fast-growing industry.
A New Way to Monitor Weight of a Truck
The Real-Time 6C Weight System shifts the weight monitoring technology from stationary, road-based solutions to a dynamic, truck-mounted sensor based, real-time data capturing system. The traditional weigh stations rely on multiple designated lanes and embedded sensors to measure the truck loads.
In contrast, this innovative system integrates multiple weight sensors directly onto trucks’ suspension system, using the advanced and patented 6C protocol to transmit the accurate, real-time data wherever the truck travels. This transformative approach ensures a seamless and precise weight monitoring, enhancing its efficiency and offering operational flexibility for modern transportation systems.
Leverage the existing highway 6C infrastructure: Governments saves on the infrastructure building costs.
Flexible and Portable: Trucks can monitor their weight anytime and anywhere.
Lower cost management cost for Fleets: Truck compliance can be controlled to avoid any potential fine and penalty
By equipping the truck with this technology, we simplify maintenance process, reduce operational cost, and improve the delivery efficiency.
Significant Savings for Everyone
The Real-Time 6C Weight System offers multiple savings for both the government and the businesses:
Governments: Reduce the highway repair and maintenance costs and invest fewer weigh stations
Businesses: Streamline fleet management, eliminate fines and penalty for non compliance trucks, and result in a more efficient operation by eliminating unnecessary stops and waiting time.
Taxpayers: Lower public infrastructure maintenance costs and more efficient use of resources.
A Greener, Cleaner Solution
This system benefits the environment by reducing the stop at the weigh stations and optimizing truck load distribution:
Trucks burn less fuel and lowering emissions while waiting at the weigh station.
Traffic flows more smoothly, reducing pollution.
Less infrastructure is required, saving materials and resources.
This innovation helps to create a cleaner, more sustainable environment for the road users.
Stronger Borders and Safer Roads
The Real-Time 6C Weight System enhances safety by monitoring truck loads and movements:
It can help detect activities like illegal substance smuggling and human trafficking.
Real-time data sharing with authorities supports better enforcement of safety and security rules.
This technology aids in protecting our highways, our borders, and our communities.
Innovation at Its Best
The Real-Time 6C Weight System showcases an American innovation:
Smart Technology: Accurate weight measurements without stopping.
Better Connections: Real-time information sharing with fleet managers and government agencies through the existing 6 C tolling infrastructure.
Future-Ready: Designed to integrate with the next generation of transportation, including driverless trucks and smart cities.
Patent-Approved Status
The Real-Time 6C Weight System is currently patent-approved, ensuring intellectual property protection and maintaining its competitive advantage in the fast-growing transportation market.
The Real-Time 6C Weight System is a forward-thinking solution that makes America stronger, safer, and more efficient. With its patent-approved status, this innovation is a testament to the power of U.S. ingenuity, driving progress toward a better, more sustainable future.