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New deadline for abstract submission for BIPM and WMO Climate Action Workshop

Abstract deadline extended to 30 June 2022 for Metrology for Climate Action Workshop

In the week of the ‘ESA Living Planet Symposium’, BIPM & WMO provided extra time for experts to submit abstracts for their Metrology for Climate Action Workshop, announcing a new deadline of 30 June 2022.

Abstracts are welcomed for either a pre-recorded 20-minute presentation with an accompanying summary poster (the poster will be included in the 2-day interactive workshop session, 27 and 28 September) or a poster.

EURAMET’s European Metrology Network for Climate and Ocean Observation is supporting preparations for the September 2022 online event, that promises to develop recommendations for improved collaboration between observation experts and the global metrology community for the next decade.

Climate and Ocean Observation network at ESA Living Planet Symposium

To build awareness among the wider Earth Observation community, the benefits of participating in the workshop were promoted at the ‘European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium’, held in Bonn, Germany, from 23 to 27 May 2022.

This symposium focused on how Earth observation contributes to science and society. Over 4000 participants including scientists, academics, space industry representatives, institutional stakeholders, data users, students and citizens attended, to discuss the science of a changing planet, advances in satellite technologies, commercial opportunities, and ESA’s plans.

On Thursday 26 May a poster titled Metrology for Earth Observation: the European Metrology was presented by Emma Woolliams (NPL), Chair of the EMN for Climate and Ocean Observation. The poster – written by Emma Woolliams and the three Vice-Chairs of the network, Nigel Fox (NPL), Celine Pascale (METAS), and Paola Fisicaro (LNE) – featured needs identified by the EMN’s stakeholder review, and a refreshed version of the ‘Quality Assurance framework for Earth Observation’ website (QA4EO, supported by metrologists from the EMN.

The website provides up-to-date resources to help scientists implement the QA4EO framework, which sets out the principle that Earth observation datasets should have associated with them an indicator of quality traceable to reference standards (preferably the SI) so users can assess suitability for their applications.

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