The ability to assign jobs directly to technical support staff.
Track the progress of all scheduled jobs.
Eliminate the need for pen and paper reports whilst offering greater clarity and traceability, as well as the obvious environmental benefits of a paperless system.
Retention of previous work history.
What sets this application apart from other systems is the ability to record weigh scale calibration results directly in the application. The application guides users through the Interweigh Systems Inc., developed method of calibration for weigh scales (SOP 7.5.1A) and currently boasts four different types of calibration (or inspection) report. One such report is specifically designed to meet the regulatory needs of Interweigh Systems ISO 17025 clients. The accuracy of the results obtained is verified by custom functions built into the application. These functions adhere to Interweigh Systems Inc., standard statement of compliance and decision rules.
The ISI eCal calibration reports are made up of multiple industry recognized testing methods such as; Corner Testing, Repeatability Testing, Strain Load Testing, Up and Down Weighing, Drift Test and Section Testing for Truck Scales. Another unique feature is the ability to perform each test as many times as necessary. This offers a thorough and detailed calibration report for the individual weigh scale being tested.
When the Interweigh Systems Inc., technical support staff are ready to complete a job they need to capture a customer signature and e-mail address on their mobile device. A work order is then delivered to the customer via e-mail within 24 hours, along with the weigh scale calibration reports by way of an attached pdf file. This is an obvious benefit over hard-to-read handwritten reports, plus electronic reports can be retrieved a lot faster than paper stuffed in a filing cabinet.
ISI eCal was deployed in January of 2019 and is powered by the Appsheet platform. Interweigh Systems Inc., continues to provide new features for the purpose of improving both customer satisfaction and the ISI eCal user experience.
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