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Load Cell Interface for WIM

Very High Speed, Intelligent Load Cell Interface Card with USB/RS232/RS485

The LCIC-WIM was designed to fit the most demanding real-time weighing and force measurement applications. On the one hand, a very fast load cell interface allows users to capture the data at around 18,000 samples per second. On the other hand, it is equipped with a powerful processor, 8 I/O, analog output and display that allows it to run embedded applications. This is for customers that require real-time and immediate response.

Comes ready with embedded algorithms for these applications:

  1. WIM– Weighing Trucks & Trains in motion. Fits HS (high speed) and LS.

  2. LIW – Loss In Weight rate controller for continuous feeding to a process.

  3. Batching & Filling controller – Stand alone controller for high speed net-weight fillers. Example: Bag filling machine.

  4. Checkweigher – Makes the board a stand-alone controller that fits most common Checkweighers. It includes outputs for rejects.

  5. Force measurement & Monitoring forces – useful monitoring utility, a vital analyzing tool for all dynamic load and force measurement applications.

  6. High speed in-motion weighing controller – To weigh packages while passing over a conveyor.

Main Features

  1. Very high speed; Internal A/D 52,000 samples per second

  2. Updating the PC at streaming mode at a rate of 18,000 samples per second

  3. 24 Bit A/D with ± 8 million counts for tension and compression applications

  4. Powerful 32 bit / 135 MIPS DSP for high speed onboard processing. OEM applications can be embedded on the board

  5. 4 opto-isolated outputs configurable as setpoints, latching alarms or user outputs

  6. 4opto-isolated inputs; Input #1 has counter option

  7. Analog output 0 to 2.5V,16 bit resolution

  8. 8 digit LED display, LEDS to show the board status and I/O status

  9. Easily updating of firmware, free to download from our web site

  10. On board temperature sensor

  11. USB Interface; 2.0 Full Speed compatible

  12. RS232/RS485 communications. Ideal for PLC based applications

  13. Multiple boards may be connected via USB or RS485

Specifications Load Cell input

  1. 5 Volt excitation for up to 10 load cells in parallel (350 Ohm)

  2. Compatible with 1,2,3 mV/V strain gage load cells

  3. Low noise wide bandwidth amplifier & 24 bit ADC

  4. Standard interfaces

  5. USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible

  6. Combined RS232/RS485.


  1. 4 opto-isolated solid state relays rated at 50V, 300mA Configurable as setpoints, latching alarms or user outputs. Each with status LED.

  2. Adjustable Analog output (0 – 2.5V) with 16 bit resolution.


  1. 4 opto-isolated inputs with 10-30 VDC range. Each with status LED

  2. Input #2 configurable as high speed counter

  3. Input #1 configurable as sample trigger (option)

Dimensions (mm)

  1. Standard OEM model 160 x 100mm (1/2 Eurocard)

  2. ABS cased (option) Standard OEM model 160 x 100mm (1/2 Eurocard)

  3. ABS cased (option)

Software included:

  1. LCIC-WIM Calibration Wizard software is included with each board

  2. Drivers and examples for programmers on how to communicate with the board

  3. PC application software for an easy start-up for each one of our embedded applications

The LCIC-WIM Monitoring package utility – A vital tool for analyzing dynamic load/force applications

The graph was obtained with our monitoring utility, showing truck axles measured at 55 km/hr.


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