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Inventive, Bold, Invigorating. ELLIPSIS – New Balances by RADWAG

Modernity, innovation, breakthrough – all these qualities describe ELLIPSIS, but they are just the beginning of a long list of advantages.


ELLIPSIS is also…

Furthermore, ELLIPSIS…

“Ellipsis” means also a “suspension point”. When the dictionary lacks words to name objects, phenomena, or features, we reach for a graphic sign – it will express more or deliberately say less. “…” suggests that we have SO MUCH to say that we don’t know where to start. Or it means that we can’t find the words to convey what we want to express. That such words do not exist. They all mean less. Or they mean something else, as yet undiscovered, which we cannot compare with anything. Therefore, ELLIPSIS.

The days when balances only weigh are long gone. ELLIPSIS balances weigh, hear, verify user identity and…


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