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General Electrodynamics Wins USAF Contract

Heath, OH – General Electrodynamics Corporation (GEC) responded to an RFQ initiated by the United States Air Force, Calibration & Metrology Division for the next generation Auto Calibration Press. These fully automated systems will go to all PMEL facilities worldwide to recalibrate and test portable aircraft and ground vehicle scales.  The AFMETCAL mission is to manage the Air Force Metrology and Calibration (AFMETCAL) Programs to ensure Air Force (AF) systems and equipment are accurate, uniform, reliable, and traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

A formal technical proposal aligning to the USAF performance specification, program specific terms and conditions including a 5 year warranty requirement as well as detailed past performance customer data was required by each offeror.   After thorough USAF evaluation which included validating GEC’s past performance experience of its like product, GEC’s offer was awarded the contact as the best value, technically acceptable.  The initial delivery order of the 3 year IDIQ contract is worth $1.6M.  The requirements contract is expected to exceed $2.3M.   Production will commence when the engineering is complete with the first production unit being delivered early in late 2019.



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