A Government Approved Test Centre act as a private counterpart of the legal metrology office with a Principal Officer responsible for the laboratory operations.
What are the functions of a Government Approved Test Center?
According to Legal Metrology (Govt. Approved Test Centre) Rules, 2013 –
The Weights and Mesures specified in the First Schedule including the Non-automatic weighing instrument of Accuracy Class-IIII/ Class-III (up to 150kg) and load cell shall be verified by a GATC.
The Principal Officer should maintain the accuracy of testing equipment as per rules and directions issued by the director from time to time.
Proper records of the testing done and certificates issued should be maintained.
The Centre should record and redress grievances of customers appropriately.
Any weight or measure rejected after verification shall be returned to the user for the necessary repair. After repair, the weight or the measure may be accepted for verification on payment of verification fee afresh.
The Centres should abide by the directions issued by Director, Legal Metrology from time to time.
The weights and measure received for verification and stamping should be returned by Government Approved Test Centre after due verification within fifteen days.
After carrying out a satisfactory metrological evaluation of weight or measure conforming to the specification laid down under the Act and rules, a certificate of verification should be issued with a stamp on the weight or measure.
The stamps for verification shall be protected against fraudulent use.
Every Government Approved Test Centre shall keep and retain records for five calendar years of evaluation of weight or measure carried out by them. These records shall be produced by the test centre before the Director (Legal Metrology) or any officer authorized by him, as and when directed.
All the above functions are mentioned in the GATC Rules,2013. For more information about the fee for verification and place of verification, click the link below –