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Compliance of Servicing Licensees and Verifiers is being monitored – NMI

The National Measurement Institute (NMI) has recently improved its procedures to track servicing licensee and verifier adherence to regulatory criteria for trade measuring instrument verification.

NMI is leveraging data from a variety of sources, including verification notifications (Form 6s), test reports, and trade measurement inspections, to help identify licensees and verifiers who are most likely to violate the law.

Verifier instrument audits, including test report reviews, are being conducted by NMI Inspectors to ensure that licensees and verifiers are doing their jobs properly.

Verification notifications (Form 6s) not being submitted, including those not being submitted within the required 14 days, test reports for complex measuring instruments not being submitted, and verifiers performing verifications without a statement of attainment for the appropriate instrument are all areas of particular focus for NMI’s compliance monitoring.

NMI is dedicated to ensuring that the regulations governing instrument verification are followed correctly, as well as encouraging better licensee and verifier behaviour where necessary. An infringement notice with an accompanying fine, as well as the suspension or termination of a servicing licence, may be issued for persistent and/or severe violations.

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