Consider a low-profile truck scale when replacing a truck scale to avoid foundation changes without compromising performance.
It’s typical for foundations to outlast a truck scale weighbridge, but finding a replacement truck scale with specifications that fit the current foundations can be challenging. Most regular truck scales now made do not fit these existing foundations since legacy truck scale models were designed with lower profiles.
Replacement Truck Scales Alternatives
The solution is to identify a company that can make truck scales that fit into existing foundations. Replacement truck scales will be made as customised or bespoke models by some manufacturers. Because more time is required to design and construct these truck scales, they have a longer lead time and a higher price.
Some companies may offer conventional models that are built to suit the foundations of their older truck scales. These companies offer a typical steel deck or concrete deck weighbridge that can only be placed after major changes to other foundations have been done.
When it comes to supplying replacement truck scale solutions for existing foundations, not all manufacturers use the same approach.