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CECIP Newsletter Q1 2021

CECIP launches ‘world with weighing’ campaign

Weighing is an essential part of our daily lives, from the moment you’re born to the food you eat every day. However, the general public and many businesses are not always aware of the importance of quality weighing. Therefore, CECIP launched the ‘world with weighing’ campaign which gives a wide range of examples to users and buyers of weighing instruments on the use of reliable weighing in various areas. The aim is indirectly to convince the uses and buyers to invest in quality weighing instruments and the appropriate maintenance. This will be done in the three parts of the campaign. The first part of the campaign focusses on the daily lives where is shown how the world would look like without weighing. For example, the prices for certain products that are normally weighed seem unfair. In the second part there will be a focus on the importance for businesses such as the impact unreliable weighing has on quality of production. Finally, the third part will inform the target audience about the legal metrology framework and the need for being compliant.

During the next months a number of visuals with examples will be promoted via social media, articles will be published in magazines, video’s shared and a dedicated website (www.worldwithweighing) is launched. With the help of the national associations this was also translated in different languages. All interested parties are invited to follow the campaign via the website or the CECIP social media.

Input from CECIP to discussion on EU metrology directives

CECIP provided input to the discussion on the fitness for purpose of Directive 2014/31/EU on non-automatic weighing instruments and Directive 2014/32/EU on Measuring Instruments. While the directives are published in 2014, many technical requirements were written long before that making some aspects outdated. Even though CECIP considers the current legislation generally appropriate there is room for improvement on a number of areas that changed in the last years. For example, there should be enough room for innovations in the area of digitalisation. The current essential requirements are sometimes too restrictive and a thorough analysis is needed to investigate where the texts can be improved. Moreover, there are numerous issues where discussions showed that the current requirements are not always clear. One example is the role of the manufacturer of the point-of-sales systems. At the same time CECIP is convinced this is a good occasion to facilitate further harmonisation in the area of reverification. On these points and several others the legislation should be updated to make it ready for the future.

CECIP webinar on placing products on UK market

On 1 April CECIP organised a Brexit webinar for all its members. During this webinar Head of the NMO Mannie Panesar gave a presentation and answered questions on how to place products on the UK market after 31 December 2021.

Up to that date it is still possible to place the products on the market with an EU type-approval and CE marking. From 1 January 2022 a new GB type-approval and UKCA marking is necessary to place the products on the Great Britain market (England, Scotland, Wales). This means a GB type-approval for the product (Module B) and, if applicable, a Module D approval is needed. For the Northern Irish market a EU type-approval and EU module D still suffices.

During the webinar it was explained how to obtain these GB type-approvals by explaining the procedure and necessary documents. It was agreed to plan a follow-up webinar later in the year to discuss experiences and developments.

71st CECIP General Assembly as online meeting – 11 June

Due to the ongoing corona restrictions the 71st CECIP General Assembly will also take place as online meeting in 2021. On Friday 11 June CECIP members will gather to discuss the activities of the association and deal with statutory matters. Hopefully, it can take place as a physical event in 2022. Interested CECIP members can register for the CECIP General Assembly via their national association.


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