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20 May: Measurement science community celebrates ‘World Metrology Day’ – EURAMET

‘Metrology in the Digital Era’ is the theme for 2022.

The 20th of May is World Metrology Day, which commemorates the 1875 signing of the Metre Convention.

The metrology community traditionally celebrates past accomplishments and looks forward to exciting new advancements and prospects on this day.

Metrology in the Digital Era is the subject for World Metrology Day 2022, reflecting on how digital transformation, one of the most fascinating phenomena of the present, is revolutionising our world.

Our community’s combined efforts have enabled major achievements, including in the digital transformation of measurement science and services, in a continually changing global context.


EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, has made significant strides toward achieving its strategic objectives, including those on digital transformation, whether it is through stakeholder engagement, research and innovation, provision to members and associates, or collaboration with the other pillars of the European quality infrastructure.

EURAMET’s Chairperson Jörn Stenger comments:

“Digital transformation is a complex and dynamic industrial and societal process that requires new metrology, for example for the assessment of large sensor networks, standards for data and metadata, or quality assurance of AI-assisted algorithms. The EURAMET community is and has been very active in fostering metrology for digital transformation.”

The recently created European Partnership on Metrology and joint research projects, which build on the previous European Metrology Research Programmes (EMRP and EMPIR), will play a critical role in ensuring the successful implementation of the digital transformation. The metrology community is gradually and steadily covering ground towards the digital horizon, from concrete projects at the Technical Committee level to wide collaboration potential under the umbrella of the European Metrology Networks.

WELMEC, the European Cooperation in Legal Metrology, is similarly supporting digital transformation. Pavel Klenovský, WELMEC Chairperson, states:

“By bringing in the legal metrology perspective in various digital technologies such as software in measuring instruments, smart metering and measurement data, it is fostering consumer protection and Europe-wide acceptance of digital transformation.”

In conjunction with World Metrology Day, EURAMET would like to give an overview of the most notable realisations and ongoing initiatives in the field of digital technology implementation, including examples from WELMEC.

For more information, please visit EURAMET’s World Metrology Day 2022 website >>

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